
torsdag 10 november 2016

I skrivandes stund

Ja, var ska jag börja?
Det var ju ett tag sen jag skrev något här.
Det beror nämligen på att jag har prioriterat andra saker under en tid.
Som jag nämnt tidigare har jag flyttat till Berlin, där jag stormtrivs. Det har också inneburit ett uppsving i min kreativitet.
Det går nu att stödja mitt författarskap via Patreon - en site som är riktad till konstnärer, och där vem som helst kan bli välgörare.
Man bestämmer själv med hur mycket man vill bidra, och man kan när som helst sluta bidra.
Men min förhoppning är att med hjälp av frivilliga donationer kunna lägga upp i alla fall ett kapitel i veckan från mitt aktuella projekt "Dibb - The dream notary" en satir inspirerad av Douglas Adams (Liftarens guide till galaxen) och Terry Pratchett (böckerna om Discworld)

Vänligen ta en titt i alla fall, och med det önskar jag er en god vinter.

lördag 30 januari 2016

Berlin - en kreativ nystart

Hej alla.

Nu har det knappast undgått någon att jag emigrerat till Tyskland; närmare bestämt Berlin.
Det finns flera orsaker till det, men främst för att jag mår bättre psykiskt här, och för att jag  kände att Stockholm inte längre gav mig någon inspriration.

Nu däremot har jag varit mer kreativ än på 15-20 år, och arbetar nu parallelt med ombearbetningar av befintliga manus jag skrev på -90talet, samt att översätta dess till i första hand engelska.

Jag har dessutom återupptagit arbetet med boken "Dibb - the dream notary" en historia som föddes för många många år sedan, men som nu håller på att förverkligas.

Men jag behöver er hjälp. Att starta ett nytt liv, i en ny stad, har kostat.
Som om inte det vore nog, har min mobil dött, och min dator sjunger på sista versen; tonartshöjningen kom redan förra veckan....

Därför ber jag er nu att bidra till att hjälpa mig göra verklighet av något som äntligen ger mig energi och gnistan tillbaka.

Det kan man göra på mer än ett sätt.

1. Man kan donera vi GoFundMe här
2. Man kan Swisha mig direkt via mitt svenska mobilnummer 0762429447
3. Man kan välja att föra över pengar direkt via bank. (uppgifter om bankkonto fås via e-mail

Alla som bidrar kommer att tackas, både här, på GoFundMe och i det färdiga materialet.
Bidrar man med minst 50 kronor, får man dessutom läsa de första utkasten, och på så vis följa utvecklingen .

Jag tackar ödmjukast på förhand för er hjälp.


onsdag 27 januari 2016

A taste of Dibb

The Deep Archives

These were the ”Deep archives”. Hidden far below the city, dark and musky, unknown to all but a very select few; the Keepers.

This is where the government kept secrets, even from itself. Now, nearly a century old, it contained so many dark deeds and so many dirty secrets, that were they ever to see the light of day... Well, let's just say no one wanted that.

The secret of the ”Deep” was passed on only when absolutely necessary. It was an unseen system, within and beneath the system; some would even say above it, and it worked. Whenever a politician, policeman or elected official committed anything that could be construed as wrong by the public, someone would talk to someone, who knew someone, who may have a contact in a certain somewhere. And suddenly the problem was gone, without a trace. Any trespasses were denied, and no evidence were ever to be found. And the system went on working. The government remained solid. It had to.

But there were other secrets hidden within the vaults of the ”Deep”. Even more dangerous than just the odd dead prostitute in a judges chambers. Even more secret than the late presidents genital problems.

In the darkest, deepest corner of the vault, wedged in between the tax evasions of a former minister of finance and the written testimonies from the cannibalistic cult on Wren Street, were the prophecies of Harold ”Lewd Lou” Lucius.

No one could remember him now. Those involved in his disappearance made sure of that. And they themselves were long dead. No one alive even knew what was inside that box. It was just another one of those stories, never to be told, by penalty of death.

But still, there it was. The last testament of Lewd Lou. His last dream, still faintly glowing in its canister. His writings, the blood now a dark brown, standing out against the yellowed pages. Also the expansive documentations from several psychiatrist who took care of him before his untimely demise. Which of course was written off as an accident, but the coroners report that never made it out to the general public told another story. But that story was to remain untold. It was now only a metaphorical sigh in the darkness. Far above lay the city streets. Where the system worked. The government was solid. People were secure.

The sigh grew louder...


God and the Devil both believes the final battle is at hand. To ensure victory, come Judgement day, they need the "One Soldier".
A vague prophecy tells of this soldier and how to recognize him. The prophecy does not, however, tell on whose side he will be on. Nor of the time of his arrival.
Impatiently God decides to create the "One Soldier", upsetting the entire fabric of space and time.
Add to that a Fate with obsessive compulsory disorder, Death asking for prolonged sick leave, and of course Dibb, the man created by God to fulfill a prophecy that may very well throw the world into perpetual darkness.
All set in a world where religion has been banned for centuries, and dreams are being kept in jars and scrutinized by a paranoid goverment.
But all will be fine. As long as Dibb stays away from the poodles....